The European Chamber releases a new collection of quantitative socioeconomic and sustainability data covering 50 countries in Europe.
Europe is a continent with many countries, each with its own unique specific capacities, laws, traditions, and circumstances. Although the socioeconomic differences and contrasts are readily apparent, a closer look at their numerical data from various perspectives enables a more thorough comparison of the reality that defines them.
Comparing the top quantitative metrics in the globe with socioeconomic and sustainability indices for 50 European countries* enables comparisons using various approaches and viewpoints.
* The countries considered are: those fully in Europe, plus those with at least some territory within the geographical boundaries of Europe (Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan), plus Cyprus and Armenia (two countries which, in spite of geographically lying in Asia, are socio-culturally, economically and politically associated to Europe). All together 50 countries, including microcountries.
Freely available and downloadable data from eucham.info
Direct link: eucham.info/lensoneurope
PODCAST • A discussion regarding the Lens on Europe research is freely available on Spotify. Search for EuCham podcast, or use the direct link.