EuCham – European Chamber
The independent, non-governmental, privately-organised institution representing the interest of companies doing business in Europe and their ethical side, improving the environment they are active in.
• Enhancing the visibility and reputation of companies and of the private sector in general
• Information, networking (interaction and establishment of new contacts)
• Creation of new business opportunities
• Creating venues for thematic and interdisciplinary discussions
• Elaborating innovative and high-calibre proposals for the improvement of company/territory/society relationships
• Contributing to the ethical development of the economic actors with education and guidance
• Promoting to the media the reputation and the prestige of the business world
• Promoting networking between companies
Focus Areas 2020-2022
• Sustainability – Environment – Green standards • Young entrepreneurship development • Business ethics • Arbitration
Code of Ethics
In the view of EuCham good ethics and successful business are synonymous. Thus the activities of EuCham are conducted intending to:
• Assist in the development of the European business environment
• Develop mutually advantageous relations with local and national government bodies
• Promote fair competitiveness among its members and other organisations
• Promote integrity, transparency, democratization and objectivity to its members and to the business society as a whole lead by example in non-corruption, citizens’ rights and environmental protection related aspects
EuCham approach towards sustainability and the environment
EuCham engages in its activities in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for its members and colleagues, minimizing the potential impact on the environment. EuCham operates in compliance with relevant legislation and will strive to use best environmental practices in its activities.
EuCham will
• Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into its decision making processes.
• Promote environmental awareness, educate colleagues and employees and encourage them to work in a responsible manner.
• Train, educate and inform employees about environmental issues that may affect their work.
• Reduce consumption and waste through reuse and recycling. Purchase recycled, recyclable or refurbished products/materials, when these alternatives are available, economical and suitable.
• Promote efficient use of materials and resources in its premises including water, energy, and others, particularly those that are non-renewable.
• Avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials and products, seek substitutions when feasible, and take all reasonable steps to protect health and the environment.
• Favor and use environmentally friendly goods and services.
• Communicate its environmental commitment to partners, stakeholders, suppliers, clients, society, and encourage them to support and follow it.
• Strive to continually improve its good environmental performance, by periodically reviewing and updating its own guidelines, considering technological and other developments.
Green Policy (by GREENWILL)

Environmental policy coordinator:
Mr Etienne Desbordes, etienne.desbordes@eucham.eu