27-30 March 2022 – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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EuCham will take part in the Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2022.
Every year, the Global Entrepreneurship Congress gathers together thousands of entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policymakers and other startup champions from more than 170 countries to identify new ways of helping founders start and scale new ventures around the world.
Hosted in different rising entrepreneurial cities, the Global Entrepreneurship Congress fosters collaboration among thousands of delegates from more than170 countries to define action in addressing challenges around growing entrepreneurial ecosystems and more effectively enabling entrepreneurs everywhere.
At the week-long GEC, delegates make connections, gain insights, learn about new research, and leave ready to renew their programs, policy ideas or firm founder skills.
GEC 2022 will take place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, a thriving startup hub with more than 4,000 years of history as a commercial crossroads.
More info: genglobal.org/gec
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