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Green Business Forum 2014: €600 billion net savings and creation of 2 million new jobs by 2020

    The Green Business Forum 2014 highlighted that GDP growth and job creation would be resulted from collaborative partnerships on resource productivity between the public and private sectors.

    EuCham – European Chamber organized the Green Business Forum 2014, which provided a broad overview on sustainable business, gave local enterprises a chance to meet new partners, and presented attendees with innovative ideas and practices in the field. The seminar resulted in an opportunity to gain insight on the circular economy, exchange knowledge and diversify network with over 130 green counterparts from over 25 countries.

    EuCham president Mr Michele Orzan introduced the correlation between countries’ transparency and sustainability with their business friendly approach, using indexes from Transparency International and World Bank. The forum was endorsed by the EU Commissioner for the Environment 2010-2014 Mr Janez Potočnik with his message drawing attention on the need for businesses to integrate resource efficiency into their business strategy, generating net savings of €600 billion in the European Union.  

    “To successfully support and stimulate businesses to turn green, governments need to adopt a long term political vision and use an inclusive approach”, said the Danish ambassador Mr Tom Nørring in line with Mr Potočnik’s words. It should not come as no surprise that the Danish government has made ambitious plans to make Copenhagen the first carbon neutral capital in the world by 2025.

    Consumers should also play their part by pressuring businesses to turn green. This idea is at the heart of GreenAdvisor, an innovative platform introduced by GREENWILL program director Mr Scott Abrams, which will empower everyone – everywhere to review, rate and locate businesses and institutions based on their eco-friendliness.

    The Central European University professor Mr Michael LaBelle moderated the panel which addressed the challenges that organizations encounter when implementing sustainability in the CEE area. The participants determined that increasing public awareness, creating supporting structures and enhancing communication among stakeholders, are the effective measures to foster the transition to a circular economy.

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