EuCham event – Inflection points: leading in an uncertain world on 10 Dec 2012, hosted by Kinnarps. The speaker of the event was Mr Shahzad Ishaq, Citibank Europe Plc – Hungarian Branch Vice President, Card Portfolio Head, most recently responsible for a quarter billion USD of card business, TEDx speaker and EuCham strategic advisor.
Mr Ishaq shared his valuable knowledge and guidance for a successful life in the professional career both in Asia and Europe. He exposed his personal experiences of corporate culture in which he worked and emphasized on the importance of understanding the culture of the organization one is employed in and at the same time follow personal values.
The lessons learnt during the session were integrity, honor, hard work, respect, relationships and reflection. The guest urged the audience to be perseverant and have clarity in their vision and aspirations and “take the less traveled path”.
In addition to the inspiring words, the event also presented a video interview with Joseph L. Bower, Professor at Harvard Business School and a Q&A session.
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