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Polish Business Seminar 2014: Poland could be among the richest countries in the world by 2022

    The Polish Business Seminar 2014 highlighted the potential of the country to be among the 20 richest countries in the world and reaching 80 percent of the EU average of GDP by 2022.

    EuCham – European Chamber organized Polish Business Seminar, which provided a broad overview about investing in Poland, gave the Polish business community the opportunity to promote their country and share experiences on expanding their projects in the region. The seminar resulted in an opportunity to gain economic insight, exchange knowledge and diversify network with Polish counterparts. 

    A keynote speech about Poland as a country of opportunities was held by the Polish ambassador Mr Roman Kowalski. The country has a steady economy with an important strategic position in Central Europe, a stable currency and a population of 38 million people.

    As the only EU country not hit by the recession of 2009, its GDP grew 20.1% between 2008-13 and it’s now growing at the rate of 3.3% (y/y 2014 Q2), making Poland the best country in the CEE region to conduct business. 

    Since 2008 Poland attracted €15 billion of investments, while it remains the largest beneficiary of EU funds, with €106 billion of the EU budget assigned to it between 2014 and 2020.

    TriGranit showcased the Poznan redevelopment project and the Polish Bank Association representative highlighted the robust, highly capitalized and non-concentrated banking sector. The Budapest Business Journal managing editor Mr Tom Popper moderated a panel addressing the topic of the economic environment and business experiences regarding foreign investments, growth, employment and innovation.


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    Press Release: ENHUPL