2-7 June 2019.
EuCham will take part in the Iberian BusinessRail experience. Participation available as individuals, with chosen starting point Barcelona, Madrid or Lisbon, and ending in Porto.
BusinessRail is an all inclusive-professional lifetime experience mixing professional with personal growth initiatives.
During the experience, the railway becomes a common link to bring together people and organizations with business opportunities and new experiences. Each BusinessRail has a different route enabling the participants to visit new locations and explore business.
The program includes several business activities (conferences, speed meetings, networking lunches and pitches), soft skills activities and cultural activities (tours, traditional food and performances).
The experience includes the participation at FIN2019 (International Business Forum – finportugal.com) on 6-7 June 2019.
Download Program PDF
Download Participation Packs PDF
More info: businessrailexperience.com
EuCham participation: facebook.com/events/672905009832813